Food Assistance - We're Here to Serve You

Leeds Outreach prepares & distributes boxes of food to hurting families.

  • If you are in need of food, please review the guidelines for assistance and contact us to be placed on our Food Box Distribution List.
  • Once you have requested to be placed on our Food Box Distribution List, your name will remain on the list as long as you are faithful in pick up. You will not need to contact us each week.
  • No names will be added after Monday each week.
  • In the event you are unable to pick up your box, you need to call or text 205-352-7691 or email by Monday of the week you will miss.
  • If you do not notify us that you will not be picking up, your name will be removed from our list and you will need to have it added again by contacting us using one of the above methods. If you miss more than 2 weeks without notice, you will be placed on the extra list and only receive a box if any are left at the end of the pickup day. We will begin the drive-through as soon as boxes are packed, usually 10:45 - 11:00.
  • You need to arrive before 11:30 to be served.
  • See the traffic flow section below for parking, pick up and exit.
  • Thank you for your help and patience in making this format work.

"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat." Matthew 25:35

Food Box Traffic Flow

  • Please remember to look both ways when leaving the parking area.
  • There is consistent and sometimes heavy traffic to and from the Leeds Primary School.
  • Be sure not to block the road to or from the school in case emergency access is needed at the school.

Food Preparation and Distribution

This video is a glimpse of how Leeds Outreach volunteers work diligently to process food items for distribution each week to our clients.

Keep It or Toss It?

  • How long will your favorite food or beverage stay safe and tasty?
  • What's the best way to store it?
  • Get the answers for thousands of items!
  • "Best By," "Best if Used By," "Best Before", or "Best When Used By" date, but this is not a safety date. It is the manufacturer's estimate of how long the unopened food item will remain at peak quality.

Box Bottom Art

God Bless You

Calling Artists of All Ages

  • We have to reinforce our boxes to carry the weight of the food we place in our food boxes.
  • We currently use pieces of cardboard 18 x 15 inches.
  • We need about 300 of these a month.
  • If you would like to donate 18 x 15 inch “precut bottoms”, it would be a blessing to us.
  • You can drop them off at Outreach or you can leave them on the tables in our loading dock.

" ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." ~Matthew 25:40 KJV

Celebrating 30 years_300px200

Street Address:

1000 Park Drive
Leeds, Alabama 35094

Mailing Address:

P. O. Box 192
Leeds, Alabama 35094

Contact Us:

T: 205.699.7291
M: 205.352.7691
Email Us


9:00 am - 11:00 am