Contact Us
Leeds Outreach is open Monday through Thursday mornings with food distribution on Wednesday of each week. If you need to leave a message, please call the cell number, leave your message and we will get back to you when we are available.
Contact Information
Office: 205.699.7291
Mobile: 205.352.7691
Leave message at 205-352-7691 & we will respond when available.
Our Location
Leeds Outreach
Leeds Civic Center
1000 Park Avenue
Leeds, AL 35094
Our Mailing Address:
Please use our PO Box for any written correspondence or donations.)
PO Box 192
Leeds, AL 35094
Help Our Cause
Your support and contributions enable us to meet our goals to help those in need.
You may mail a tax-deductible donation to PO Box 192, Leeds, AL 35094.
To DONATE ONLINE use the button below. Please consider a monthly ongoing contribution. Ongoing contributions require a PayPal account.
Let's find more ways to help!
A nonprofit is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change!
Street Address:
1000 Park Drive
Leeds, Alabama 35094
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 192
Leeds, Alabama 35094
Contact Us:
T: 205.699.7291
M: 205.352.7691
Email Us
9:00 am - 11:00 am